Selerix Developer Tools
Download Enrollment Data From BenSelect
Census Related Web Services > Download Enrollment Data From BenSelect

After an enrollment, developers may wish to obtain the enrollment data to migrate the results to their system programmatically.   You have the option of downloading the entire enrollment database at one time or you may obtain the data one family at a time.  The data you download will contain the same employee demographics, employment information, and dependent demographics you uploaded earlier, and will also include the information BenSelect captured during the enrollment.  Most of the enrollment information will be in the form of a product which will include things like costs, benefit amounts, and answers to EOI and other questions if applicable.


Steps to obtain enrollment data

As with a census upload, the process required to obtain enrollment data from BenSelect is to package a Selerix Transmittal XML with a list of the employees you wish to obtain, identified by either by name and date of birth, EmployeeIdent, or Social Security number.  If you are using the Selerix .NET Library or SOAP to manage the transmission, use the Query web service to download the data.  If you are using SAML the process is similar, but you HTTP POST the request to BenSelect in a SAML XML envelope that contains an embedded Selerix transmittal.  Remember to convert the transmittal XML to HTML Entities before embedding it in your message.

The sample C# source code included here defines the steps to upload census to BenSelect using the Selerix .NET library for transmissions over SOAP.  You instantiate a Selerix Transmittal object, populate the data accessor properties with the required information, serialize the object, and transmit it using the Upload web service call wrapper.  Before you can use the Selerix .NET library you must first prepare Visual Studio by adding a reference to the Selerix .NET library and building the Selerix web service accessor classes as described here.


See Also
